
Welcome to our Blog. We will be posting photos, work and other exciting objects here. Please look at our blog regularly and don't forget to leave a comment so we know what you think of what we are doing in class.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Hi my name is Anthony and I am on the big playground pole which is 15 meters high and I like being up very high.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Art Auction

This is a photo of the artwork we made together.  The children made small greenstone (pounamu) carvings from paper and paint, and have shaded them to look very realistic.  Taonga is the Maori word for Treasure.
We hope you can come to the fair, and also hope that you will make a bid for our artwork during the auction.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Japanese Students Visit

On Friday last week we were visited by Japanese students being hosted by Ashburton College.  They taught us how to write our name using ink and a brush.  They were very nice and we think our names look excellent.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Hi guys,
Check out this video I made on Kerpoof.  It's a cool programme Miss Jamieson showed us today, and I'm looking forward to getting you to make some at school.

Miss Barker





Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Moari words

The class did some writing on moari culture words that they had to put on the paper. It was fun doing moari.

our schools art

this is one of our schools art

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Room 9

room 9 working on the mat.


A reading group read  Spin weave knit and knot. Then they made their own weaving out of paper. Gemma and Kurt

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Allenton Playground

This is Allenton School's biggest playground.

Learning to Blog

This is Room 9 posing for a photo so that we can learn how to put it on our blog.

Monday Morning News

We are sharing our weekend news.  In Room 9 we are focussing on asking questions.  Today, we asked our partner questions to try and work out what they did in the weekend.  Some of the children talked about what they did for Mother's Day.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Thursday, 21 March 2013

PAT Tests

Just recently, we have been doing PAT tests to see how good we are at listening.  The Year 3 and 4s both did a listening test.  The Year 4s also had to do maths, reading comprehension and reading vocabulary.  Vocabulary is learning new words and understanding what they mean.  We had to read or listen to a story or question and then choose an answer labelled A, B, C or D and sometimes E.  This type of question is called multi choice.
"We had to be quiet and nobody was allowed to talk or get out of our seats," commented Piper.
"I really like the PAT tests," added Kyle.
"It was fun," said James.
Morgan agreed that she quite liked listening to the stories.
Miss Barker is glad that the PAT tests are finished and we can get back in to good routines.