
Welcome to our Blog. We will be posting photos, work and other exciting objects here. Please look at our blog regularly and don't forget to leave a comment so we know what you think of what we are doing in class.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Moari words

The class did some writing on moari culture words that they had to put on the paper. It was fun doing moari.

our schools art

this is one of our schools art

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Room 9

room 9 working on the mat.


A reading group read  Spin weave knit and knot. Then they made their own weaving out of paper. Gemma and Kurt

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Allenton Playground

This is Allenton School's biggest playground.

Learning to Blog

This is Room 9 posing for a photo so that we can learn how to put it on our blog.

Monday Morning News

We are sharing our weekend news.  In Room 9 we are focussing on asking questions.  Today, we asked our partner questions to try and work out what they did in the weekend.  Some of the children talked about what they did for Mother's Day.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013